Technical Guide: Expert Tips on Publishing Your SPR Data
Trying to get your research manuscript accepted faster? Publishing your work is an incredibly rewarding feat and is integral to the career of an academic researcher. We previously shared some gr...
How Preconcentration can save your Protein Samples in SPR Experiments
Your protein is precious. The more sample that you can save, the less time you need to spend on expressing and purifying proteins. This saves you money, and gives you more time to spend on other criti...
Case Study: The Importance of Binding Kinetics in Drug Discovery
Drug discovery is a critical and complex area of research. Rigorous testing, crucial safety considerations, and exhaustive data are all required for a drug candidate to progress into clinical trials. ...
Technical Guide: Conducting In Vitro Assays with Transmembrane Proteins
Transmembrane proteins account for approximately 50% of the total mass in a lipid bilayer and serve as front line communicators and transporters. Transmembrane proteins (TMPs) are integral membrane pr...
Cut Your Lab Instrument Downtime to 0 Using OpenSPR™
Having the right tools is essential for any profession. A chef cannot cook without knives, and a carpenter cannot build without a hammer. The same is also true for scientific researchers. Having the c...
How to Write a Successful Grant Proposal
You’re passionate about your research. Your work is crucial for scientific discovery and deserves to be carried out. We know that, and we love what you’re doing. So why can it be so challenging fo...
5 Tips on Getting Published in a High-Impact Journal
How do you define success as an academic researcher? We’ve spoken with thousands of academic researchers, and their end goal is almost always the same – getting published. Publishing papers in aca...
4 Types of Binding Assays You Can Do With SPR
Whether you’re designing novel antibodies for your groundbreaking vaccine work or you’re breaking down a key pathway in cancer metastasis, you know the importance of understanding how the componen...
Improving SPR Data Quality: Controls, Design and Optimization
Accuracy, precision and reproducibility are the three most important principles in scientific research. When conducting an experiment using any technique and under any condition, these three principle...
How to Confront the Antibody Reproducibility Crisis using SPR
Have you ever ordered antibodies from an antibody supplier? Have you ever had a problem with antibody specificity, selectivity and reproducibility? Have you ever returned your antibodies back to the s...