Nicosystem Software

Take the guesswork out of SPR with Alto’s intuitive software.

Designed for any skill level

Alto’s comprehensive software, the Nicosystem, provides a one-stop centralized hub for acquisition and analysis of real-time binding data, all while offering an intuitive user interface, one-click analysis feature, and the flexibility of accessing your experiments from anywhere.

Intuitive experiment design

Map your sample layout, design your assay, and build your experiment. Nicosystem offers a full suite of workflows for characterizing biomolecular interactions, including kinetics, screening, quantitation, and epitope binning/mapping. Simply choose your assay template, enter your sample information, and build.

Nicosystem Experimental Design

Assay Applications

  • Binding kinetics – Elucidate the real-time kinetic binding profiles (ka, kd, KD) of up to 48 targets using multi-cycle or single-cycle kinetic analysis styles.

  • Quantitation – Determine up to 40 unknown analyte concentrations per experiment.

  • Screening – Screen up to 96 interactions in just a few hours and use Alto’s visualization tools to select the most relevant hits.

  • Epitope binning – Process up to 256 interactions in a single cartridge with one-click analysis.

Automated analysis

One-click analysis

Eliminate lengthy post-processing with Nicosystem’s one-click analysis. A diverse range of models and investigative tools are also available to accurately interpret your data and provide high-quality insights. 

Flexible export

Export your data in a variety of file types, such as CSV files and images, in one click for continued data processing and reporting. 

Nicosystem Epitope Binning Analysis
Nicosystem Quantitation calibration curve
Quantitation calibration curve
Screening data table
Single-cycle kinetics sensorgram


Nicosystem is available in two connectivity formats.

  • Local Mode offers a traditional biosensor experience, enabling you to work with an instrument-laptop connection.

  • Cloud Mode enables you to complete your workflow from anywhere, with data transferring seamlessly to and from the device. 
Nicosystem Cloud vs Local Mode

Different packages to fit your research needs

Tailor your research with flexible software package. Choose between Nicosystem Pro or Essentials to match your requirements and budget. 

Expansions are available for the Essentials package; please inquire for more details. 

Nicosystem Pro vs Essentials

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