Characterization and Selection of Antibodies for Covid-19 Diagnostics Using SPR
By January 2021, just over a year after the virus was first identified, there were over 100 million cases of COVID-19 reported worldwide and several viral variants in circulation. The unprecedented nature of the pandemic has magnified the need for accelerated scientific discoveries as researchers strive to bring novel therapeutics, vaccines and diagnostic solutions to market.
What You Will Learn:
Versatility & Flexibility: How the robustness and sensitivity of SPR makes it ideal for a wide range of biomolecular applications
Comprehensive workflows: The benefits of SPR-based characterization studies for accelerating lead time on novel COVID-19 solutions
Maximizing performance: How to develop a highly selective and specific antibody pair with SPR to optimize COVID-19 antigen detection
Looking ahead: The next generation of SPR platforms advancing label-free detection to address the unmet needs of infectious disease research