Accelerating Scientific Research During COVID-19: Laboratory Automation
As a result of technological innovation and desire for improved efficiency, the world is becoming increasingly automated, there’s really no question about it and research labs are no exception. Heck, Alexa is more commonly known as a virtual assistant than a human name at this point.
Automation allows for a reduction in human error, and allows for fewer people to run more experiments efficiently. As of recently, with physical-distancing guidelines implemented as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, reducing the number of people in the lab has become of utmost importance to keep research flowing smoothly.
What You Will Learn:
The history of lab automation, including some of the events that accelerated the innovation and the first example of a fully automated lab
Why automation is more accessible than you think
Examples of automation solutions you can implement today
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Labroots DART webinar popup
Introduction to Digital SPR and its use in assessing the
binding kinetics of DART (Drugs Acutely Restricted by Tethering)
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OpenSPR and Alto webinar popup
Streamlining characterization of biomolecular binding
kinetics with Alto™ and OpenSPR®
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Rising Investigators Webinar Popup
Rising Investigators in SPR
Detecting Emerging Viral Variants
OCMS Webinar Popup
Detecting Emerging Viral Variants
Laboratory Automation Webinar Popup
Laboratory Automation
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Navigating the Post-Covid Research Landscape
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Covid-19 Diagnostics Using SPR
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Binding Techniques
Enter the Nicosystem Webinar Popup
Enter the Nicosystem
Publish Faster With Binding Kinetics & Affinity Data
Over 600 researchers worldwide are using OpenSPR™ to get the data reviewers are looking for. Read our brochure to learn more!
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